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  • 14 Aug 2024 by Ellen Lefkowitz

    Have I Got a Story for You!

    This year, ECE-RJ is celebrating its 25th anniversary! Twenty-five years ago, a small group of visionary Jewish early childhood educators came together to form this professional organization. They knew that collectively, we can elevate the voices of our field, advocate on behalf of all early childhood educators, and build a professional organization that offers community, deep professional learning, and a support network of colleagues across the country. It truly was a moment of “if you build it, they will come”. Twenty-five years later, we are stronger than ever! This coming year, as we commemorate this milestone, we are excited to launch a year of storytelling, learning, and gathering.

    The ECE-RJ board just returned from our summer board retreat. The board gathered in person for three days to focus on our vision and goals for this upcoming year. With the 25th anniversary of ECE-RJ as our framework, we want to tell the story of Jewish early childhood education. We want to support our members in being able to share their expertise within their own community. We want to celebrate the contributions of our members both in their own settings and to the broader field of Jewish education. It is our time to raise up our collective voice to share our story with each other and highlight the importance of our work in the Jewish community.

    I could not be prouder to serve this organization with an amazing group of educators who are putting together an exciting array of opportunities to learn and share our stories. First and foremost, we look forward to seeing you in January at Yom Chadash. Register today! Be sure to join us for our upcoming Roundtable Discussions and learning Meet-Ups. And, the Forum is the place to share ideas, seek support from colleagues, be a part of the conversation, and tell your story. May this 25th year of ECE-RJ, be a year of celebration, learning, community, and joy!

    Ellen Lefkowitz, President
